Water Wise Rebate Program
We encourage everyone in our community to use Spokane's natural resources wisely and to help us protect our river. Take advantage of our rebate programs and increase your "liquid assets."
Rebates are issued to Spokane Water Customers on a first-come, first-served basis until application deadlines or until funds are depleted. Purchases made before April 1, 2020 are not eligible for rebate.
Please review the general program information and rebate-specific information before applying for a rebate. For questions or to request an application by mail, email the Water Conservation Office at waterwise@spokanecity.org or call 509-625-7800. All products purchased must be WaterSense® certified.
Physical Address
914 E North Foothills Dr
Spokane, WA 99207
Phone: 509-625-7800
WaterSense® Labeled Toilet or Urinal
Rebate Amount: cost of toilet/urinal (up to $100), excluding installation/labor, shipping, tax, etc.
Purchase and application deadline: November 30, 2020
Residential customers: limited to two toilets per property.
Commercial/Multi-Family customers: limited to 50 toilets/urinals per account
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be the current property owner to apply for and receive rebate. Tenants may apply for rebates with written property owner approval.
Property must receive water services from the City of Spokane.
Rebates are for purchase of the following:
WaterSense® labeled toilet or urinal and listed on the EPA’s WaterSense product search. The effective flush volume shall not exceed 1.28 gallons.
Submit the following:
Photo or electronic copy of receipt for new toilet(s)
Photo(s) of newly installed toilet(s)
WaterSense® Labeled Showerhead
Rebate amount: cost of showerhead (up to $20), excluding installation/labor, shipping, tax, etc.
Purchase and application deadline: November 30, 2020
Residential customers: limited to two showerheads per property.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be the current property owner to apply for and receive rebate. Tenants may apply for rebates with written property owner approval.
Property must receive water services from the City of Spokane.
Rebates are for purchase of the following:
WaterSense® labeled showerhead and listed on the EPA’s WaterSense product search. The effective volume shall not exceed 1.5 gallons per minute.
Submit the following:
Photo or electronic copy of receipt for new showerhead(s)
Photo(s) of newly installed showerhead(s)
WaterSense® Certified Efficient Rotary Nozzles
Rebate amount: cost of nozzle (up to $4/ nozzle), excluding installation/labor, shipping, tax, etc.
Purchase and application deadline: September 30, 2020
Residential customers: limited to ten nozzles per property.
Commercial/Multi-Family customers: limited to 50 nozzles per account
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be the current property owner to apply for and receive rebate. Tenants may apply for rebates with written property owner approval.
Property must receive water services from the City of Spokane.
The entire irrigation zone needs to be converted to rotary nozzles. Efficiency will not be demonstrated if the entire zone is not converted
Rebates are for purchase of the following:
WaterSense ® certified matched precipitation pop-up rotary nozzles
Submit the following:
Photo or electronic copy of receipt for new nozzles
Photo(s) of newly installed nozzles
WaterSense® Labeled Smart Irrigation Controller
Rebate amount: cost of controller (up to $100), excluding installation/labor, shipping, tax, etc.
Purchase and application deadline: September 30, 2020
Limited to one controller per property.
Commercial/Multi-Family customers: view program guidelines.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be the current property owner to apply for and receive rebate. Tenants may apply for rebates with written property owner approval.
Property must receive water services from the City of Spokane.
Rebates are for purchase of the following:
WaterSense®‐labeled smart (Wi-Fi enabled) irrigation controller or add‐on module to an existing qualifying controller and must be included on the EPA WaterSense® product search page.
Submit the following:
Photo or electronic copy of receipt for irrigation controller
Photo(s) of newly installed controller
Cooling Tower Conductivity Controllers
Rebate amount: cost of controller (up to $695), excluding installation/labor, shipping, tax, etc.
Purchase and application deadline: November 30, 2020
Limited to one controller per property.
Eligibility Requirements:
Applicant must be the current property owner to apply for and receive rebate. Tenants may apply for rebates with written property owner approval.
Property must receive water services from the City of Spokane.
Rebates are for purchase of the following:
Installing a conductivity controller to automatically control blow down. Controller should maximize the cycles of concentration with a minimum of three cycles.
Submit the following:
Photo or electronic copy of receipt for new controller
Photo(s) of newly installed controller
Rebate amount: $0.50/sf for replacing your lawn with water wise plants, efficient irrigation and mulch.
Application Deadline: September 30, 2020
Limited to one SpokaneScape rebate per property per year.
Property must receive water services from the City of Spokane.
Learn more about the application process at SpokaneScape.org
Submit the following:
At least 2 color photos of the area(s) where you plan to remove turf.
A simple landscape plan which shows the area to be transformed.
A plant list and area calculation form which lists the drought tolerant plantings you’ve chosen and verifies that plants will cover at least 50% of the project area.